All About Me

Hey there! Welcome! Come and join us on the ride for the love of cooking and baking :D

About me
Sheila: I'm a young lady with an undying passion for food, cooked or baked, anything that I can stuff my cheeks with.
Whenever I have the free time to, I'll mess around my kitchen and friend's kitchen with flour, butter, eggs, sugar, meats, vegetables and spices! 

How I started
Sheila: My passion for food came to me at a rather young age and was definitely inspired by my late father, Michael, who was always my Guinea Pig for all my food endeavors in the kitchen and often teach me the ropes of the kitchen.   I would always find myself stuck at the Food&Beverages/Cooking section of any library, reading and borrowing cook books of various kinds and even online, looking for more recipes and food videos.

Other than my father, my sister, Stacy, was also one of my mentors in the kitchen and I would also indulge in the food that she makes, from her shepherds pie to beef stews to meat pies to cream puffs, even her warm milk with vanilla and cinnamon is more than enough for me become a pool of putty. 

The only classes I took was in secondary school, HomeEconomics/Food&Nutrition. From there, I learnt about basic nutrition that a body should need to take and how much not to take into the body(which also adds exercising). I didn't attend any other classes, workshops or demonstration classes outside as I often find myself lacking in either time or money. But that didn't stop me from experimenting in the kitchen with my stove and my oven. 

My muse? My muse would be the joy I have of making food and seeing the faces of people around me enjoying the food that I make. and I like to try new techniques to create food. 

Well, most of the time I bake more than I cook. 

And I love going out in search of great places to eat! *oink*

Equipment and Tools
Sheila : All of my tools and equipment, I find are rather basic:  a Hand mixer, measuring cups, baking trays, muffin pans, Madeleine pan, spring form pan, ring pans, measuring scale and whatever you can find basic in a baker's kitchen

I'm still rather tempted to get a bread machine and an ice cream maker because I still wanna try making my own breads and ice creams/sorbet/gelato/frozen yoghurt. 

I have quite a few hand-me-downs recipes books from my sister while most of them came borrowed from the library. I also own a couple of cookbooks that I've bought over the years and definitely it has served me well in the kitchen! 

Media: photos&videos
Sheila: Most of my photos and videos are taken by my iPhone and with me having an iPhone stand where I can just stick it anywhere in the kitchen and any part of the house (with at least a smooth surface xD). 

I usually don't edit photos as I am rather particular with the pictures I take for food and also I'm just being lazy in a way. As for videos, I edit them with Windows Movie Maker and then post them up on my YouTube Channel under the user name, Nekonde. 

Any Chef (s) Idols?
Sheila: Chef Idols, I would go with Gordon Ramsay and Jamie Oliver and all the chefs from IRON CHEF JAPAN! They never cease to inspire me and encourage my need to be in the kitchen. 

I also get a lot of encouragement watching some YouTubers channels such as CookingWithDog, RunnyRunny999, Mangchi, Aeris, JoyofBaking and some other more. 

Thank you for visiting us! and come share your food adventures with us!