Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Chocolate Chip Cookies! Full Chocolate & Normal!

Hello People! YES! This is the first entry. =D
All right, as surveyed on my own Facebook, Friends voted for baked instead of cook.
so... Today's baked item, is none other than the classic chocolate chip cookies.
Chocolate Chip Cookies : Double Choc & Normal

**Note: I used double quantity to make the normal and double choc.**

What you'll need
- 150g plain flour, sifted- 75g butter, softened at room temp
- 75g sugar
- 1/2 egg, beaten slightly
- few drops of vanilla essence

Normal Choco-chip cookies
- 60g chocolate chips
Full Choco-chip
- 50g cocoa powder, sifted- 40g semi-sweet chocolate chips, melted
- 60g white chocolate chips

Here's how to do it.

1. Grease baking tray or cookie sheet, and set your oven to 190 degrees C.

2. Cream butter and sugar together.

3. Slowly add the beaten egg, bit by bit at a time and mix until smooth.
3(a). For Double choc, melt the chocolate down and add the chocolate in after the egg

4. Add the flour in batches and mix well to form a pliable dough.
4(a). For Double choc, add the cocoa powder along with the flour

5. Once you got the dough ready, it's time to add the ChocoChips ! YUM!
5(a). For Double Choc, you may want to use the normal milk ChocoChips, But I like the white ones in 'em. :D

6. Roll or shape your cookie dough and place 'em onto the cookie sheet and bake 'em in the oven for 15-20 minutes or till golden brown.

**You might want to peep at your lovelies once in while and see how they are doing. It's a Gleeful thing to see! **

7. When the cookies are done, take it out from the oven and leave to cool.

8. YOU'RE READY TO MUNCH ON THEM! YAY! *tosses confetti*

Where's the pictures? Hope you don't mind my 'noob' photoshop-ping. :D

Printable recipe available here! : print page

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