Sunday, April 10, 2011

Non-Bake Lemon and Lime Cheesecake

As requested by someone, I've made a sour cheese cake this time! I usually make plain cheesecake, chocolate cheesecake or tiramisu. xD The weather is super hot recently, but I want a treat so badly! I don't want to turn on my oven or stove or anything to do with heat! So, I did a non-bake cheesecake. =D

I've used the recipe from

Ingredients (serves 10)

* 150g plain sweet biscuits, processed to fine crumbs
* 80g butter, melted, cooled
* 500g cream cheese, softened
* 3/4 cup caster sugar
* 1 lemon, rind finely grated, juiced
* 2 limes, rind finely grated, juiced
* 1 1/2 tablespoons lime juice
* 1 1/2 tablespoons lemon juice
* 3 teaspoons powdered gelatine
* 300ml thin cream, lightly whipped



Grease and line base and sides of a 5.5cm deep, 22cm (base) springform pan with baking paper. Combine biscuit crumbs and butter. Press into base of prepared pan. Refrigerate while preparing filling.

Using an electric mixer, beat cream cheese and sugar until smooth. Beat in lemon and lime rind. Heat 1 1/2 tablespoons lemon juice, 1 1/2 tablespoons lime juice and gelatine in a small saucepan over medium heat, stirring with a fork until hot and gelatine is dissolved. Set aside to cool slightly. Beat gelatine into cream cheese mixture until well combined. Fold in cream, mixing until well combined.

Spoon filling over base. Smooth surface. Refrigerate for 4 hours or until set. Serve.

In my case, I've used 250g of digestive biscuit and 120g of butter for the base. I sort of over estimated the filling (judging on the amount of base I have... =.=), I've multiplied the recipe with 1.5 and ended up with too much filling. XD Ran out of digestive biscuit already, I used the regular jacob biscuit instead. It's a little on the salty side, so I added in a tbsp of honey to give it a unique flavor.

First timer or not, do watch up this youtube video about cheesecake. It has a recipe for baked cheesecake, but the basic information mentioned are pretty useful and applied to both baking/non-bake cheesecake. =D

The Base:

Digestive biscuit crumbs mixed with butter.

I've totally forgotten to take a picture of crushing the biscuit and mixing in the butter. >_<;
Anyway, you can crush biscuits by just simply putting the biscuit in a ziplock bag or a plastic bag, probably 2-3 biscuit at a time to achieve even crumbs. Use a rolling pint or your hand/feet/body weight/whatever to crush it, till it become small and fine crumbs. Melt your butter or just room temperature butter(tropical country room temperature.. xD), mix it into the biscuit crumbs evenly.

You can use any biscuit/cookie crumb as the base. Just adjust the amount of butter accordingly, not too dry or moist. If you're feeling luxury, go ahead and use famous amos cookies as the base. I'm talking about the freshly baked ones that are sold in their outlet. Hehe xD

Line your pan with aluminum foil or baking sheet before filling in the crumbs.
Scoop the well combined crumbs into your pan and press it down firmly. If you skip this step, when you remove your cake from the pan, the base will not stay in shape and crumbles easily. D=

Shooting star!

The filling:

Ignore random objects behind/around the ingredients. xD
Here we have cream cheese, whipping cream, sugar, powder gelatine, limes and lemon!

You can substitute gelatine powder with agar agar powder, 1:1. But in this case, we're dealing with acidic ingredient, so extra agar agar powder will be required. Some say around 1/4 extra, but I'm not very sure of it myself because I never tried it before. Probably next time!

Rind your lemon/limes before squeezing the juice!

Hahaha dealing with acidic stuff on marble table, very smart of me. >_>;

I just loveee the colour <3

Strain the lime and lemon juice into a pot.
Heat up the lime + lemon juice, combine the gelatine powder in.
Not boiling! Just hot enough to dissolve the gelatine powder. You may have a little lump at first, but no worries, just continue stirring it. It will eventually fully dissolve. The mixture will turn out like a thick/gluey sauce. XD It may smell a little odd due to the gelatine, but everything will be alright when you mix it into the cream cheese.
Strain them again before adding into the cream cheese.

Make sure your cream cheese is in room temperature! Else it'll have lumps which is not good! D=
Sift sugar in while beating the cream cheese, add in gelatine mixture and lime & lemon rinds and continue beating. Be careful not to over beat it!

After beating in the gelatine+ lime & lemon juice and lime & lemon rinds

Fold in the whipping cream probably by a quarter or half at once? If you pour the whipping cream all in at one go, it'll be harder to incorporate the cream cheese in.
Don't be lazy and beat it in with a mixer! You'll have too much air bubble in it by beating it in.


You can just pour the mixture on your base, tap the container on a surface to smooths the surface and be done, or decorate it!
I've set aside about a cup of the filling without lime & lemon rinds, mix in a drop of green food coloring for decoration. Alternative, you can use melted chocolate or diluted jam.
Put them in a piping bag and start decorating!

Simply pipe the content on your filling, tap it on surface to incorporate it to the filling. Leave it this way, or continue decorating it as below.

Using a toothpick/satay stick/needle or anything similar, draw line across the pattern you've done. Drawing at different direction creates different pattern.

The one shown above are drawn from the edge towards the center.

In between the "draw in", draw outwards, from the center to the edge.

Tap on surface again to smooth the filling.

You can also pipe words on the cake with a semi-chilled cream cheese filling! The surface of your cake must be set before you can pipe words on. I've blurred the text on the image due to privacy. =P

When you're done, just pop it to the fridge! I left mine sits in the fridge till the top sets, then put it into a container, return it to the fridge. I'm keeping mine in the fridge till the next day.

Whoala~ It's done!............... NOT!

It's clean up time now! oTL oTL oTL


Tadah~ Out from the pan!
This is the one with Jacob cracker base.

The star shape one is out from the pan as well! But to conceal the writing, I'll only show a side picture. XD
It's with digestive biscuit base.

I still prefer digestive biscuit base more than crackers. =3=

Anyway! The cheesecake itself is not really sour, just a hint of tangy-ness without loosing the cream cheese flavor. Lemon & lime flavor enhanced by the rinds, also creating a little texture in between the smooth cream cheese.
The tangy feeling stays in mouth for sometime, and it sort of made my tongue feel numb. XD
I was afraid if it will turn out to be too sour because I kept tasting while making it. Probably just cause of eating too much, that's why it felt so sour. XD


Good luck in trying!
I hope you enjoy the recipe as well!

Have a nice day~

With love,

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